How to change the background color of records in a list view according to the Status Value??

How to change the background color of records in a list view according to the Status ??

  • Hello M kumar

    'm updating the color based on the Priority of the Note records:

    extendsFrom: 'RecordlistView',
       initialize: function (options) {
       this._super("initialize", [options]);
       this.listenTo(this.collection, 'data:sync:complete', this.renderNextReviewDateColor);


    renderNextReviewDateColor: function() {
       _.each(this.rowFields, function(field) {

       var obj = _.findWhere(field, {name: 'high_priority_note_c'});

       if (!_.isUndefined(obj)) {
          var high_priority = obj.value;
          if (high_priority ==true ) {
             obj.$el.parents('td').css("background-color", "#ffff80");
          } else {
             obj.$el.parents('td').css("background-color", "transparent");



    Angel M.