How can I create OAuth token for the particular user

How can I create OAuth keys for a particular user ? Please help me to find a solution to create OAuth key for an particular user

  • This POST call returns access_token & refresh_token against a valid username & password

  • Hi Sino Thomas,

    You can create the OAuth key by Admin->OAuth Key.

    After creating it you can use it for your user for which you want to use and pass the following arguments for authentication.

    $oauth2_token_arguments = array(
    "grant_type" => "password",
    //client id - default is sugar.
    //It is recommended to create your own in Admin > OAuth Keys
    "client_id" => "sugar",
    "client_secret" => "",
    "username" => $username,
    "password" => $password,
    //platform type - default is base.
    //It is recommend to change the platform to a custom name such as "custom_api" to avoid authentication conflicts.
    "platform" => "custom_api"