Lang Rest API is not working properly

Hi Team ,

   When I tried to use below API to get details . But No luck to get records even I gave the correct language which I am getting from /me API Response . Can you help me to resolve this issue ?


Lang API : 




Response :

Http status : 500



{"error":"unknown_error","error_message":"Violation for language value"}







Response :



"current_user": {
"preferences": {
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"tz_offset": "-0700",
"tz_offset_sec": -25200,
"datepref": "m/d/Y",
"timepref": "h:ia",
"currency_id": "-99",
"currency_name": "US Dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"currency_iso": "USD",
"currency_rate": "1.000000",
"currency_show_preferred": false,
"currency_create_in_preferred": false,
"decimal_precision": "2",
"decimal_separator": ".",
"number_grouping_separator": ",",
"signature_default": [],
"email_client_preference": {
"type": "mailto"
"default_locale_name_format": "s f l",
"first_day_of_week": "0",
"sweetspot": {
"hotkeys": []
"shortcuts": "",
"reminder_time": "1800",
"email_reminder_time": -1,
"language": "en_us",

