group mail box case creation - ignore (un-deliverable)

hi All,

Hope you are well, i am trying to set up an inbox for monitoring via SugarCRM to create cases.

all setup and case creation is working fine. however this is an active inbox which is used by team to send out responses aswell and in some cases we receive undeliverable emails in the inbox. in order to ignore these emails from case creation is there an existing solution. i am pretty sure i am not the only one having this query / request.

Any guidance would be absolute fab.



  • Hi Kunal singh 

    Yes, it is possible to avoid creating Cases from bounced e-mails. You need to do the following:

    Create Extended Include for overriding the InboundEmail class:

    $objectList['InboundEmail'] = 'InboundEmail';
    $beanList['InboundEmail'] = 'CustomInboundEmail';
    $beanFiles['CustomInboundEmail'] = 'custom/modules/InboundEmail/InboundEmail.php';

    Create script custom/modules/InboundEmail/InboundEmail.php which declares the class CustomInboundEmail and extends regular class InboundEmail. Inside this class override the method handleCreateCase. In this method you have to evaluate the subject and body of received email and decide whether invoke parent handleCreateCase or not.

    Remember to run QRR.


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada