Opportunity sales status not getting Revenue sales stage value


I have a Revenue Line Item that gets a Opportunity to relate.

And I have a record.js in the Opportunity that on clicking the Edit button, it changes the Opportunity 'sales_status' value with the Revenue Line Item 'sales_stage' value.

The javascript changes the value, but after saving, the opportunity 'sales_status' field becomes empty, when its value shoud be filled by the Revenues sales_stage 'negociacao'.

The other default values (Closed Won and Closed Lost) appear normally with text in the Opportunity.

In the database it has data, but no text appears in the view.

I've followed this tutorial, putting the custom field in all the required dropdowns, but it still didn't work:


I had a similar problem to this case. Unfortunately there wasn't a definitive solution:

Opportunity sales status value not changing correctly 

The Revenue Line Item:

The Opportunity:

The dropdowns are in Brazilian Portuguese language.

These are the dropdowns (probability, status and stage):

In the Opportunity there isn't nothing in the logic hook related to changing sales_status value.

How can I solve this?

Any help would be appreciated.




  • Nevermind, I found a solution.

    By default, the CRM has a OpportunityHooks.php, in which it was setting all non closed or won opportunities to 'In Progress'.

    So, I set an dropdown for both sales_stage and sales_status to accomodate this value:

    For someone curious about the OpportunityHook, this is the original hook:

    * Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable
    * terms available at
    * http://support.sugarcrm.com/Resources/Master_Subscription_Agreements/.
    * If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the
    * authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not
    * install or use this SugarCRM file.
    * Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved.

    class OpportunityHooks extends AbstractForecastHooks
         * @return array

        protected static function useRevenueLineItems()
            // get the OpportunitySettings
            $settings = Opportunity::getSettings();
            return (isset($settings['opps_view_by']) && $settings['opps_view_by'] === 'RevenueLineItems');

         * This is a general hook that takes the Opportunity and saves it to the forecast worksheet record.
         * @param Opportunity $bean The bean we are working with
         * @param string $event Which event was fired
         * @param array $args Any additional Arguments
         * @return bool

        public static function saveWorksheet(Opportunity $bean, $event, $args)
            if (static::isForecastSetup() && !static::useRevenueLineItems()) {
                /* @var $worksheet ForecastWorksheet */
                $worksheet = BeanFactory::newBean('ForecastWorksheets');
                return true;

            return false;

         * Mark all related RLI's on a given opportunity to be deleted
         * @param Opportunity $bean
         * @param $event
         * @param $args

        public static function deleteOpportunityRevenueLineItems(Opportunity $bean, $event, $args)
            if (static::useRevenueLineItems()) {
                $rlis = $bean->get_linked_beans('revenuelineitems', 'RevenueLineItems');
                foreach ($rlis as $rli) {

         * Set the Sales Status based on the associated RLI's sales_stage
         * @param Opportunity $bean
         * @param string $event
         * @param array $args

        public static function setSalesStatus(Opportunity $bean, $event, $args)
            if (static::useRevenueLineItems() && $bean->ACLFieldAccess('sales_status', 'write')) {
                // Load forecast config so we have the sales_stage data.

                // we don't have a new row, so figure out what we need to set it to
                $closed_won = static::$settings['sales_stage_won'];
                $closed_lost = static::$settings['sales_stage_lost'];

                $won_rlis = count(
                        "sales_stage in ('" . join("', '", $closed_won) . "')"

                $lost_rlis = count(
                        "sales_stage in ('" . join("', '", $closed_lost) . "')"

                $total_rlis = count($bean->get_linked_beans('revenuelineitems', 'RevenueLineItems'));

                if ($total_rlis > ($won_rlis + $lost_rlis)) {
                    // still in progress
                    $bean->sales_status = Opportunity::STATUS_IN_PROGRESS;
                } elseif ($total_rlis === 0) {
                    $bean->sales_status = Opportunity::STATUS_NEW;
                } else {
                    // they are equal so if the total lost == total rlis then it's closed lost,
                    // otherwise it's always closed won
                    if ($lost_rlis == $total_rlis) {
                        $bean->sales_status = Opportunity::STATUS_CLOSED_LOST;
                    } else {
                        $bean->sales_status = Opportunity::STATUS_CLOSED_WON;

         * Before we save, we need to check to see if this opp is in a closed state. If so,
         * set it to the proper included/excluded state in case mass_update tried to set it to something wonky
         * @param RevenueLineItem $bean
         * @param string $event
         * @param array $args

        public static function beforeSaveIncludedCheck($bean, $event, $args)
            $settings = Forecast::getSettings(true);

            if ($settings['is_setup'] && $event == 'before_save') {
                $won = $settings['sales_stage_won'];
                $lost = $settings['sales_stage_lost'];

                //Check to see if we are in a won state. if so, set the probability to 100 and commit_stage to include.
                //if not, set the probability to 0 and commit_stage to exclude
                if (in_array($bean->sales_stage, $won)) {
                    $bean->probability = 100;
                    $bean->commit_stage = 'include';
                } else if (in_array($bean->sales_stage, $lost)) {
                    $bean->probability = 0;
                    $bean->commit_stage = 'exclude';

         * If the account relationship on an opportunity is changed via merging accounts, we need to resave the opportunity
         * so that the worksheet will reflect the new account.
         * @param $bean
         * @param $event
         * @param $args

        public static function fixWorksheetAccountAssignment($bean, $event, $args)
            if (!empty($args)
                && $args['relationship'] == 'accounts_opportunities'
                && static::isForecastSetup()
                && !static::useRevenueLineItems()) {

                $bean->account_id = $args['related_id'];
                static::saveWorksheet($bean, $event, $args);
                return true;

            return false;

    Anyway, thanks.

