Sorting on worflows alert email templates list not working in sugarcrm 6.5

Need to sort email templates based on name, base module or last modified but it is not working.

how can we resolve it?

  • Found solution.... It can be useful to others so posting it here.

    // go to custom/modules/WorkFlow/ path if file "WorkFlowListView.php" not found,
    // go to modules/WorkFlow/WorkFlowListView.php
    // copy file and paste in custom/modules/WorkFlow/

    // Now edit file "WorkFlowListView.php" and find below line

    $ListView->setQuery($where, "", "email_templates.date_entered DESC", "EMAIL_TEMPLATE", false);

    //Just replace false to true in above line

    $ListView->setQuery($where, "", "email_templates.date_entered DESC", "EMAIL_TEMPLATE", true);

    That's it.
    Now check your workflows alert email template list view, you can sort columns now.