How do I get current user id from .hbs files?

Hi all,

I'd like to get current user id from detail.hbs file in clients/base/fields/phone then I pass parameter to function one()

then function redirect to custom view.php like this: view.php?module=<module name>&id=<id>&user=

in detail.hbs:

{{#if value}}
<div class="ellipsis_inline" data-placement="bottom"{{#if dir}} dir="{{dir}}"{{/if}} title="{{value}}">
    {{#if skypeValue}}
        <a href="callto:{{skypeValue}}">{{value}}</a>
        <img src="custom/icon_phone.png" onclick="one('{{module}}','{{}}','{{}}');">

for {{module}} return module name

for {{}} return id

but for {{}} not return any data.

I just tried with code below but not work:

<img src="custom/icon_phone.png" onclick="one('{{module}}','{{}}','{{}}');">

So for {{}} and {{}} not work.

How do I pass current user id into my function via detail.hbs or I can't?

Sugar 7.6 Ent
