Complex mapping

Hi all,

I have something which I hope that someone can help with. I'm a fairly advanced SugarCRM user with a good knowledge of Studio, but this one is proving rather testing

I have a need to map a situation in Sugar along the following lines:

  • A company contracts out services for departments A, B, C, D etc. These contracts have providers, and an expiry date.
  • In Sugar, I want to be able to see when these contracts expire...
  • ... and which companies are taking out a contract with which provider

what I have done so far is to create a subpanel, where I can add a new/existing provider, assign them to a department, and give their contract an expiry date.

The problem is that in doing that, I am assigning a dept/expiry date to the provider. It means that when I look up other companies who use that provider, the dept/expiry date is set from when I edited it previously.

What I'm trying to do is add a provider to the company, but then create a dept and expiry date specific to the relationship between company and provider.

I'm racking my brain trying to think of how to do this in Sugar - does anyone have any ideas...?


  • Paul,

    It sounds like you already created a custom module for the partners.  You may be able to use this scenario: 

    Use the Contracts module (or create a custom contract type module) to store the department and expiry date.  Then relate the account (company) to both the Partner and Contract.

    You can then run a report that displays the Company Name, the Partner related to the Company, and the related Contract information.

    Hope this helps,


  • Thanks very much Lori! That's practically exactly what I ended up doing. I created a new module, then made appropriate many-many relationships between it and other appropriate modules (Accounts, Contacts etc) and made new fields in Accounts for the dates of contract expiry, which then matched up with the fields in the new module.

