How do I disable use of Bulk API in Subpanels for Sugar 7.6 and later?

I received a question recently that I had to do some research to come up with answer.  I'm sharing it here to wider community can benefit.
My customer would prefer to have subpanel results come back sequentially instead of all at once.  How do I disable use of Bulk API in Sugar 7.6 subpanels?
  • This setting can be changed by overriding sugar_config to include additional JS config (config.js) setting for 'disableBulkApi'.  This setting is used by Sugar 7 front end to determine if it uses Bulk API to send subpanel requests or if requests are sent individually as they were in Sugar 7.5 and earlier.

    See example below. 

    $sugar_config = array (
      'additional_js_config' => 
      array (
        'disableBulkApi' => true

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