Team name only showing First Name

We are using the latest Corporate version On Demand.  I am trying to add a Team to an Opportunity, but I can't tell them apart.  We have 3 Salesmen named John and they all have Private Teams like "John AAA", "John BBBB", "John CCC".  When I am entering an Opportunity and try to add a Team member I get a list with "John" 3 times.  I have tried to search by actual Username and by Last name, but I get no results.  I tried the "Search for more..." option and it opens a new window with all of our Teams, but it only shows First Names.  So, I still see "John" 3 times as well as a couple for "Joe".

If I go to the Team view, I see the full name for the Teams - "John AAA", etc.

Is there a setting I am missing somewhere that will show the entire Team name under the Opportunities?

I submitted a Case earlier, but thought I might get a quicker response here.
