Option "email all invitees" causes blank emails being sent

SugarCRM 6.5.17 Pro

Hi, enabling "email all invitees" will indeed send reminder emails before the meeting starts. Unfortunately these are blank - no subject, no text.

Is there a way to configure their content?

Thx, Christian
  • I managed to solve this.

    This problem occurs when the system language is missing the template for the notification.
    To fix this
    1. Go to include/language/*your_language*.notify_template.html
    and paste this at the end of the file:

    <!-- BEGIN: Contract_Subject -->SugarCRM Contract - {CONTRACT_NAME}
    <!-- END: Contract_Subject -->
    <!-- BEGIN: Contract-->
    {ASSIGNER} has assigned a Contract to {ASSIGNED_USER}.
    You may review this Contract at:
    <!-- END:Contract-->
    <!-- BEGIN: ContractSpecial_Subject -->
    SugarCRM Contract - {CONTRACT_NAME}
    <!-- END: ContractSpecial_Subject -->
    <!-- BEGIN: ContractSpecial -->
    Your Contract: {CONTRACT_NAME} will be out of date at {CONTRACT_END_DATE}.
    You may review this Contract at:
    <!-- END:ContractSpecial-->
    <!-- BEGIN: MeetingReminder_Subject -->
    Meeting Reminder - {MEETING_SUBJECT}
    <!-- END: MeetingSpecial_Subject -->
    <!-- BEGIN: MeetingReminder -->
    Location: {MEETING_LOCATION}
    Created By: {MEETING_CREATED_BY}
    <!-- END: MeetingReminder -->
    <!-- BEGIN: CallReminder_Subject -->
    Call Reminder - {CALL_SUBJECT}
    <!-- END: CallReminder_Subject -->
    <!-- BEGIN: CallReminder -->
    Title: {CALL_SUBJECT}
    Created By: {CALL_CREATED_BY}
    <!-- END: CallReminder -->
    <!-- BEGIN: Note_Subject -->
    SugarCRM Note - {NOTE_SUBJECT}
    <!-- END: Note_Subject -->
    <!-- BEGIN: Note -->
    {ASSIGNER} has assigned a Note to {ASSIGNED_USER}.
    Subject: {NOTE_SUBJECT}
    Description: {NOTE_DESCRIPTION}
    You may review this Note at:
    <!-- END: Note -->
    2. Rebuild cache.

    Your e-mails should now be filled with data instead of being empty.
  • Hi Christian and Karl,

    Is this template missing for specific languages? The meeting templates should not be sending blank information and I would like to see if this is an issue in stock instances of Sugar and, if so, I'll submit this as a bug to our engineering team.

  • Yes, it sure was missing for swedish (include/language/sv_SE.notify_template.html) in stock SugarCRM Professional when I last checked (v7.2.2.0) 
  • Also, while you are at it, you guys should really consider looking through all of your translations. There are a lot of missing translations everywhere in the application for languages that are not English UK and English US. 
    For me it does not matter since I use english, but for the end user it is a struggle sometimes to know what the label might be when it says "LBL_SOMETHING_MAGICAL" instead of giving the correct translation.
  • Hi Karl,

    Thanks for clarifying the language. I was able to track down a defect for these templates in non-english languages that is fixed in 7.5 (69952). 

    As far as the missing labels, if or when you run in to any missing labels, please let us know (either post a problem here in the community or create a case) so we can track them down and get them fixed in the core product code.

  • I am having a similar issue with Call Reminder emails, which are coming through with the following;


    When: 16/05/2019 22:00 UTC(+00:00)

    Created By:

    Yet in my email template I have populated with;

    The following Call is due;

    Subject: {::future::Calls::name::}

    Account: {::future::Calls::accounts::name::}

    Opportunity: {::future::Calls::opportunities::name::}

    Link: {::href_link::Calls::href_link::}

    Best Regards,

    Please advise - thank you!


  • I have the similar issue with subscription email templates.

    if you have the solution for this help me.

    Thanks in Advance..

  • Hi Alex I am Using crm  In this version also email template fields are blank like this Any solution for this

    Subscription Number: 
    Subscription Name: demo3
    Customer Name: 
    Contact Name 
    Product Name: 
    Quantity: 10
    Date Sold: 28/05/2019
    Service End:  11/06/2019
    Status: New
    and i have used code template is 
    Subscription Number: {::future::Bugs::bug_number::}
    Subscription Name: {::future::Bugs::name::}
    Customer Name: {::future::Bugs::customername_c::}
    Contact Name {::future::Bugs::contactname_c::}
    Product Name: {::future::Bugs::productname_c::}
    Quantity: {::future::Bugs::quantity_c::}
    Date Sold: {::future::Bugs::servicestart_c::}
    Service End:  {::future::Bugs::serviceend_c::}
    Status: {::future::Bugs::status::}